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List of events ordered by date

Event TypeDatePlaceIndividualDocuments
Birth18 January 1628Rehoboth, Ma.CLIFTON Mary
Birth31 January 1628 (previously 1627)United Kingdom - ESS Essex - TerlingBURCHARD John
Birth9 February 1628?ADAMS Joseph
Birth1 April 1628United Kingdom - DEV DevonFOOTE Joanna
Birth4 May 1628United Kingdom - SOM Somerset - Taunton, .WESTOVER Jonah
Birth4 May 1628?WESTOVER Jonah
Marriage5 May 1628?GATES Stephen with HILL Anne
Marriage20 May 1628United KingdomGORTON Samuel with MAPLET Mary
Birth1 June 1628United Kingdom - SOM Somerset - DraytonWHITE John
Birth4 June 1628United KingdomGREENE Thomas
Birth13 June 1628?GARDNER Richard
Birth29 June 1628United Kingdom - LDN LondonCOLE Hugh
Death1 August 1628United Kingdom - SFK Suffolk - St. Peters, SudburyWOOD James
Birth4 August 1628?HICKS Zachariah
Birth3 September 1628United Kingdom - DEV Devon - ExeterMARSHFIELD Sarah
Birth11 September 1628Boston, Ma.SIMMONS Elizabeth
Marriage27 September 1628United Kingdom - LEI Leicestershire - Cottesbach, .CHILD Benjamin with SHELTON Sarah
Birth28 September 1628?ATHERTON Elizabeth
Birth9 October 1628United Kingdom - HadlieghSMITH Mary
Birth9 October 1628United Kingdom - DEV Devon - Berry PomeroyCHAPIN Sarah
Birth9 October 1628?CHAPIN Sarah
BirthNovember 1628?MOORE John
BirthNovember 1628United KingdomMOORE John
Birth3 December 1628?LOCKE William
Birth3 December 1628United Kingdom - StepneyLOCKE William
Marriage22 December 1628United Kingdom - TheningtonBATCHELDER Joseph with DICKINSON Elizabeth
Birth1628?CUTLER John
Marriage1628?BURGESS Thomas with GOODMAN Dorothy Waynes
Birth1628United Kingdom - Essex CountySHERMAN Abigail
Birth1628?CRESSEY Mighill
Marriage1628Weymouth, Ma.WHITMAN John with RUTH
Birthabout 1628United Kingdom - DEV DevonBANCROFT Anna
Birthabout 1628?ANDREWS Mary
Birth1628?BALCH John
Birth1628United Kingdom - Bishop's Stortford, HerfordshireCHANDLER Thomas
Birth1628?MATHER Timothy
Birth1628?CHANDLER Thomas
Deathabout 1628Plymouth, Ma.WARREN Richard
Death1628Plymouth, Ma.WARREN Richard
Birthabout 1628?WEEKS William
Birthabout 1628?WEEKS William
Birthabout 1628United KingdomWEEKS William
Birthabout 1628?MERRIAM William
Birthabout 1628United States of America - MA Massachusetts - Cambridge, MiddlesexGOFFE Lydia
Death1628?WARREN Richard
Death1628United Kingdom - GLS Gloucestershire - ThornburyDIMERY Ursula Alice
Birth1628United Kingdom - OXF Oxfordshire - CavershamJONES Daniel A.
Birthabout 1628United KingdomWILLIAMS Abraham
Birthabout 1628United KingdomPITTS Peter
Birthabout 1628?PITTS Peter
Birthabout 1628?PITTS Peter
Birth1628United KingdomROBINSON Robert
Birthabout 1628United KingdomWARD Joanna
Birth1628United KingdomPRICHARD Joanna
Birth1628?CHANDLER Thomas
Birth1628?GURNEY Mary
Birthabout 1628?NEWELL Elizabeth
Birth1628United Kingdom - SFK Suffolk - Bury Saint Mary'sCADY Nicholas
Birth1628United Kingdom - WIL Wiltshire - LandfordCOTTLE Edward
Birth1628United Kingdom - GLS Gloucestershire - RodboroughBLISS Mary
Birthabout 1628?FARNUM Mary
Birth1628Newbury, Ma.BITFIELD Elizabeth
Birth1628Netherlands - Beest, GBUYS MRS. Pieter
Birth1628United Kingdom - WillenhallWELLES Samuel
Birth1628Hingham, Ma.ABBOTT Elizabeth
Death18 January 1629United Kingdom - St. Lawrence, JewryMAPLET John
Marriage21 January 1629United Kingdom - LAN Lancashire - Shevington, .PRESCOTT John with GAWKROGER Mary Platts
Birth14 February 1629?COPLEY Elizabeth
Birth14 February 1629United Kingdom - ESS Essex - ShalfordCOPLEY Elizabeth
Birth28 February 1629 (previously 1628)United Kingdom - St. Peter's Church, BerkhamstedRICE Mathew
Birth2 March 1629United Kingdom - Weymouth, DorsetshireHARRIS Gabriel
Birth2 April 1629?BOWEN Margaret
Marriage11 April 1629United Kingdom - Sowerby, Halifax, Yorkshire, .PRESCOTT John with GAWKROGER Mary Platts
Marriage16 April 1629?FARWELL Henry with WELBY Olive
Birth19 April 1629United Kingdom - SOM Somerset - KingwestonADAMS Edward
Birth19 April 1629?ADAMS Edward
Marriage27 April 1629?ENSIGN Thomas with WYBORNE Anne
Birth10 May 1629?THAYER Shadrach
Birth10 May 1629United Kingdom - Thornbury, GloucesterTHAYER Shadrach
Birth10 May 1629?THAYER Shadrach
Marriage11 May 1629United Kingdom - SufolkMIXER Issac with THURSTON Sarah
Birth31 May 1629?CARPENTER Abigail
Birth31 May 1629?CARPENTER Abigail
Birth31 May 1629?CARPENTER Abigail
Birth6 July 1629United Kingdom - IpswichKNAPP Judith
Birthbefore 13 July 1629United Kingdom - NTH Northamptonshire - NorthamptonSARGENT Hannah
Birth21 July 1629United Kingdom - SFK Suffolk - NaylandWARREN Elizabeth
Death5 August 1629United Kingdom - DEV Devon - Salcombe RegisCHANNON Johana
Birth30 August 1629Plymouth, Ma.HOWLAND Hope
Birth30 August 1629?HOWLAND Hope
Birth8 October 1629United Kingdom - Pitminster,SomersetshireTREAT Susannah
Birth8 October 1629?TREAT Susannah
Birth18 October 1629United Kingdom - DEV DevonBURT David
Birth18 October 1629?BURT David
Birth20 December 1629United Kingdom - SOM Somerset - TauntonWHITCOMB Robert
Birth20 December 1629United Kingdom - WIL Wiltshire - SalisburyWHEELER Ann
Birth1629?BELDING Samuel
Birth1629?BELDING Samuel
Birthabout 1629United Kingdom - KEN Kent - TudeleyMERRIAM Joseph
Birthabout 1629United KingdomMERRIAM Joseph
Birthabout 1629?MERRIAM Joseph
Birth1629United KingdomBELDING Samuel
Death1629United KingdomGULL John William
Birth1629Medfield, Ma.GLEASON Sarah
Birth1629Watertown, Ma.COOLIDGE John
Birth1629?SHEPHERD Martha
Birth1629?HILL John
Birth1629United KingdomWHITE Nathaniel
Birthabout 1629?AMSDEN Isaac
Birthbefore 1629?MUNNING Hannah
Birth1629United KingdomHAYES Nathaniel
Birth1629Ireland - Roscommon - BoyleKING John
Birth1629?MIXER Isaac
Birth1629?HATHAWAY John
Birth1629United Kingdom - SFK Suffolk - East BergholstFOOTE Frances
Marriage1629Suffolk County, Ma.DANIELS Robert with MORSE Elizabeth
Birthabout 1629United States of America - NY New York - Half Moon, SaratogaJACOBSEN Jennetje
Birthabout 1629United Kingdom - Dorchester, DorsetshireEAMES Robert
Birth1629?HARBERT Elizabeth
Birthabout 1629Plymouth, Ma.BROWNE Priscilla
Marriage1629United Kingdom - WAR Warwickshire - KenilworthGRISWOLD Edward with HICKS Margaret
Birthabout 1629United Kingdom - LAN Lancashire - BuryDUNSTER Mary
Birth1629United Kingdom - Truro, CorwallBURGESS Elizabeth
Birth1629?ALLEN Matthew
Birth1629?SHERMAN Eber
Birth1629?KINSMAN Robert
Birth1629?ALDEN Sarah
Birth13 January 1630United KingdomCOOK John
Birth12 February 1630United Kingdom - Shaston, DorsetshireKING Mary
Birth12 February 1630United Kingdom - DOR DorsetBARNARD Mary
Birth12 February 1630?BARNARD Mary
Birth16 February 1630 (previously 1629)United Kingdom - LAN LancashireTHOMPSON Samuel
Birth21 February 1630 (previously 1629)United Kingdom - NTT NottinghamshireEDMUNDS Daniel
Birth24 February 1630 (previously 1629)United Kingdom - Sowerby-Bridge, Halifax, YorkshirePRESCOTT Mary Platts
Death4 March 1630United Kingdom - HRT Hertfordshire - WestmillRICHARDSON Thomas
Birth6 May 1630?CHAPIN Catherine
Death6 May 1630United Kingdom - MDX Middlesex - StepneySNOW NIcholas
Birth6 May 1630?CHAPIN Catherine
Birth6 May 1630?CHAPIN Catherine
Birth7 May 1630United Kingdom - LIN LincolnshireMARSHALL Samuel
Marriage17 May 1630United Kingdom - NFK Norfolk - WramplinghamWHEELOCK Ralph with CLARK Rebecca
Birth23 May 1630?SHAW John
Birth27 May 1630?RUSSELL Robert
Marriage8 June 1630United Kingdom - BDF Bedfordshire - CranfieldWHEELER George with PINN Catherine
Birth29 June 1630Scituate, Ma.HICKS Daniel
DeathJune 1630United Kingdom - SFK Suffolk - AssingtonCOOPER Thomas
Marriage12 July 1630United Kingdom - BDF Bedfordshire - SalfordTURNEY Benjamin with ODELL Mary
Birth21 July 1630?COMSTOCK Daniel
Birth19 September 1630United Kingdom - KEN Kent - StapleEATON Martha
Birth25 October 1630United KingdomHANNAH
Death18 November 1630United Kingdom - HRT Hertfordshire - SawbridgeworthWALLER Elizabeth
Birth24 November 1630United Kingdom - KEN Kent - MaidstoneWETHERELL Daniel
Birth2 December 1630United Kingdom - HAM Hampshire - RomseyKNIGHT John
BirthDecember 1630United KingdomVINAL Stephen
DeathDecember 1630?MARSHALL John
Birth1630United KingdomGREENE Joan
Birth1630United Kingdom - SFK Suffolk - IpswichBUGBEE Sarah
Birth1630?FOOTE Joanna
Birth1630?BARRETT Thomas
Birthabout 1630?BROWN John
Death1630 (previously 1629)United Kingdom - SFK Suffolk - BarnhamBIGNETT Grace
Birthabout 1630?BROOKS Joshua
Birthabout 1630Ipswich, Ma.LOCKWOOD Mary
Birth1630United Kingdom - ESS Essex - CoggeshallSPARHAWK Mary
Birth1630United KingdomSPARHAWK Nathaniel
Birth1630?TOWNSEND Lydia
Birth1630Plymouth, Ma.WINSLOW Susanna
Birth1630?WINSLOW Susanna
Birth1630Ma.TOWNSEND Lydia
Birth1630?SPARHAWK Nathaniel
Birthabout 1630United KingdomLAMSON Martha
Birth1630?WRIGHT John
Birthabout 1630?LEE Mary
Birth1630Duxbury, Ma.SPRAGUE John
Birthabout 1630?LAMSON Martha
Birthabout 1630United KingdomGORTON Samuel
Birth1630?KEYES Soloman
Birth1630United KingdomSMEAD William
Birth1630Newbury, Ma.KEYES Soloman
Birthabout 1630United KingdomHOWES Joseph
Marriageabout 1630United Kingdom - KEN Kent - HorsmondenWILLARD Simon with SHARP Mary
Birth1630Ipswich, Ma.KETCHAM Samuel
Birthabout 1630?THOMPKINS Martha
Birth1630R.I.SHELDON John
Birth1630United Kingdom - KEN Kent - AshfordSHELDON Isaac
Marriage1630?JOHNSON William with STORY Elizabeth
Birth1630?LYSCOM William
Birth1630United States of America - MA Massachusetts - Hingham, PlymouthSTODDARD Hannah
Birth1630?VAUGHN Mercy
Birth1630?WADSWORTH Samuel
Birth1630United Kingdom - STD ScotlandRUSSELL Robert
Birthabout 1630?DAVIS Samuel
Birthabout 1630?MITTON Sarah Dorcas
Birth1630?KING Mary
Birth1630?KING Mary
Birth1630?KING Mary
Birth1630?KING Mary
Birth1630United KingdomMARSH Onesiphorus
Birth1630United KingdomMARY
Birth1630Ireland - Ballyruff, Colrain, LondonderryCLARK John
Birthabout 1630?DRAKE John
Death1630United Kingdom - DEV DevonPIPER Josiah
Birth1630?GREEN Thomas
Birth1630United Kingdom - HRT Hertfordshire - St. AlbansGREEN Thomas
Marriageabout 1630Plymouth, Plymouth Colony, MAPRATT Phineas with PRIEST Mary
Marriage1630Plymouth, Plymouth Colony, MAPRATT Joshua with FAY Bathsheba
Birth1630United KingdomPRATT Hannah
Birthabout 1630Charlestown, Ma.SHIPLEY Joanna
Birthabout 1630?DRAKE John
Birthabout 1630United KingdomBLOOD Robert
Birth1630?BARRETT Thomas
Birthabout 1630United Kingdom - STS Staffordshire - Burton-on-TrentWIGHTMAN Valentine
Birthabout 1630?ANSELL Mary

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