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Family Informations :
with Elizabeth DAWSON :
child :
Samuel STICKNEY (?)

Father : Jacob John STIFFLEAR (1861 - 1927)
Mother : Carrie Bell HOUGHTALING (1879 - 1953)
Siblings :
Ora Katherine STIFFLEAR (1903 Schoharie, N.Y. - 1992 Schenectady, N.Y.)
Mabel E. STIFFLEAR (?)

Father : John Jacob STIFFLER
Mother : Catherine BOLLENBACHER
Birth :
Date : 12 April 1861
Place : Schoharie, N.Y.
Death :
Date : 1 October 1927 (66 years old)
Place : Esperance, N.Y.
Family Informations :
with Mary MAHAR (1865 - 1893) :
Marriage :
Date : 18 December 1887 (26 years old)
Place : Schoharie, N.Y.
with Carrie Bell HOUGHTALING (1879 - 1953) :
Marriage :
Date : 27 February 1895 (33 years old)
Place : Berne, N.Y.
children :
Ora Katherine STIFFLEAR (1903 Schoharie, N.Y. - 1992 Schenectady, N.Y.)
Mabel E. STIFFLEAR (?)

Father : Jacob John STIFFLEAR (1861 - 1927)
Mother : Carrie Bell HOUGHTALING (1879 - 1953)
Siblings :
Ora Katherine STIFFLEAR (1903 Schoharie, N.Y. - 1992 Schenectady, N.Y.)
Ora Katherine STIFFLEAR

Father : Jacob John STIFFLEAR (1861 - 1927) (Age in the birth of the child : 42 years old)
Mother : Carrie Bell HOUGHTALING (1879 - 1953) (Age in the birth of the child : 24 years old)
Siblings :
Mabel E. STIFFLEAR (?)
Birth :
Date : 13 June 1903
Place : Schoharie, N.Y.
Death :
Date : 24 July 1992 (89 years old)
Place : Schenectady, N.Y.
Marriage with William Philip CROSIER (1901 - 1954) :
Date : 16 September 1930 (27 years old)
child :
Arthur B. CROSIER (1916 N.Y. - 1957 Duanesburg, N.Y.)

Father : John STIFFLER
Mother : Effie DANIELS
Family Informations :
with Walter CROSIER :
children :
Wendell Lee CROSIER (1929 Oh. - 2009 Jackson County, Oh.)
Glenn Leroy CROSIER (?)

Family Informations :
with Catherine BOLLENBACHER :
child :
Jacob John STIFFLEAR (1861 Schoharie, N.Y. - 1927 Esperance, N.Y.)

Family Informations :
with Effie DANIELS :
child :
Ethel STIFFLER (?)
Audrey STIFF

Father : Clarence STIFF
Mother : Palma HANSON
Siblings :
Barbera Elizabeth STIFF (1920 Edgarton, Wi. - 2010 Janesville, Wi.)
Donald STIFF (?)
Barbera Elizabeth STIFF

Father : Clarence STIFF
Mother : Palma HANSON
Siblings :
Audrey STIFF (?)
Donald STIFF (?)
Birth :
Date : 25 August 1920
Place : Edgarton, Wi.
Death :
Date : 21 March 2010 (89 years old)
Place : Janesville, Wi.
Marriage with Wesley Ira DAVIS (1919 - 1999) :
Date : 15 October 1944 (24 years old)
Place : Edgarton, Wi.
children :
Suzette DAVIS (?)
Sarah DAVIS (?)
Rebecca DAVIS (?)
Wesley K. DAVIS (?)
Michele DAVIS (?)
Lynnette DAVIS (?)
Clarence STIFF

Family Informations :
with Palma HANSON :
children :
Barbera Elizabeth STIFF (1920 Edgarton, Wi. - 2010 Janesville, Wi.)
Donald STIFF (?)
Audrey STIFF (?)
Donald STIFF

Father : Clarence STIFF
Mother : Palma HANSON
Siblings :
Barbera Elizabeth STIFF (1920 Edgarton, Wi. - 2010 Janesville, Wi.)
Audrey STIFF (?)
Alice Elizabeth STILES

Father : Charles STILES
Mother : Anna STILLSON
Birth :
Date : 26 July 1906
Place : Manchester, Vt.
Family Informations :
with Lesley PHILLIPS (1901) :
children :
Wesley John PHILLIPS (?)
Nancy Jane PHILLIPS (?)
Charles F. STILES
Marriage with Bertha L. SHERMAN (1879) :
Date : 5 April 1895
Place : Stamford, Vt.
Charles STILES

Family Informations :
with Anna STILLSON :
child :
Alice Elizabeth STILES (1906 Manchester, Vt.)
Family Informations :
with Tabitha OAKES :
Frances STILES

Family Informations :
with Elroy GILBERT :
child :
Nina M. GILBERT (1880 Southwick, Ma. - 1960 Williamsburg, Ma.)

Birth :
Date : about 1614
Place : Yorkshire, England
child :
Robert STILES (1637 Yorkshire, England - 1690 Rowley, Ma.)

Father : Robert STILES (1637 - 1690) (Age in the birth of the child : 24 years old)
Mother : Elizabeth FRYE (1637 - 1678) (Age in the birth of the child : 24 years old)
Birth :
Date : 30 June 1661
Place : Rowley, Ma.
Death :
Date : before 1753 (92 years old)
Family Informations :
with Deliverance TOWNE (1664 - 1705) :
child :
Mehetable STILES (1700 Boxford, Ma. - 1773 Brookfield, Ma.)

child :
Rachel STILES (1740 Windsor, Ct.)
Mehetable STILES

Father : John STILES (1661 - 1753) (Age in the birth of the child : 39 years old)
Mother : Deliverance TOWNE (1664 - 1705) (Age in the birth of the child : 36 years old)
Birth :
Date : 22 October 1700
Place : Boxford, Ma.
Death :
Date : 3 October 1773 (72 years old)
Place : Brookfield, Ma.
Marriage with Samuel GOULD (1701 - 1791) :
Date : 9 June 1725 (24 years old)
Place : Topsfield, Ma.
children :
Mehetable GOULD (29 - 1776)
Nathan GOULD (34 Boxford, Ma. - 1816 French Creek, W.V.)
Samuel GOULD (1727 Boxford, Ma. - 1791)

Father : Jonah STILES
Birth :
Date : 1 October 1740
Place : Windsor, Ct.
Family Informations :
with Samuel OWEN :
child :
Rachel OWEN (1760 Windsor, Ct.)

Father : John STILES (1614) (Age in the birth of the child : 23 years old)
Birth :
Date : 1637
Place : Yorkshire, England
Death :
Date : 30 June 1690 (53 years old)
Place : Rowley, Ma.
Marriage with Elizabeth FRYE (1637 - 1678) :
Date : 4 October 1660 (23 years old)
child :
John STILES (1661 Rowley, Ma. - 1753)

Family Informations :
with George JEFFERIES :
child :
Wilfred Douglas JEFFERIES (1891 St. Bees, Cumberland, England - 1953 Philadelphia, Pa.)

Family Informations :
with Charles STILES :
child :
Alice Elizabeth STILES (1906 Manchester, Vt.)
Walter STILL
Family Informations :
with Charity GROUSBECK :
Marriage with Benjamin CANEDY (1858 - 1941) :
Date : 1878

Family Informations :
with John BARBER (1714) :
child :
John BARBER (1742 - 1776 Guilford, Vt.)
Death :
Date : 7 March 1957
Place : Woodsville, N.H.
Marriage with Mary Etta THAYER (1869) :
Date : 20 December 1892

Family Informations :
with John LOVEJOY :
child :
Philip H. LOVEJOY (1840 Lowell, Ma.)
Cole Michael STITSON

Father : Jeromy STITSON
Mother : Jennifer Lyn CAPRONI

Family Informations :
with Jennifer Lyn CAPRONI :
child :
Cole Michael STITSON (?)

Family Informations :
with Stanley Young STRADER (1941 - 2012) :
children :
Jennifer STRADER (?)
Ethan STRADER (?)
Melissa STRADER (?)
Angeline Harriet STOCKING

Father : John Jay STOCKING (1806 - 1870)
Mother : Catherine Emeline ENSIGN (1809 - 1849)
Siblings :
Sarah Delight STOCKING (1838 Canton, Ct. - 1906 South Cottonwood, Salt Lake, Utah)
James Homer STOCKING (1842 - 1845)
Mary Louisa STOCKING (1846 - 1847 Iowa)
Maria Adeline STOCKING (1849 - 1870)
John Jay STOCKING (1854)
Ensign Israel STOCKING (?)
Catherine Emiline STOCKING (? - Ma.)
Harriet Amanda STOCKING (?)
Jeremiah Reuben STOCKING (?)
Catherine Emiline STOCKING

Father : John Jay STOCKING (1806 - 1870)
Mother : Catherine Emeline ENSIGN (1809 - 1849)
Siblings :
Sarah Delight STOCKING (1838 Canton, Ct. - 1906 South Cottonwood, Salt Lake, Utah)
James Homer STOCKING (1842 - 1845)
Mary Louisa STOCKING (1846 - 1847 Iowa)
Maria Adeline STOCKING (1849 - 1870)
John Jay STOCKING (1854)
Angeline Harriet STOCKING (?)
Ensign Israel STOCKING (?)
Harriet Amanda STOCKING (?)
Jeremiah Reuben STOCKING (?)
Death :
Place : Ma.
Ensign Israel STOCKING

Father : John Jay STOCKING (1806 - 1870)
Mother : Catherine Emeline ENSIGN (1809 - 1849)
Siblings :
Sarah Delight STOCKING (1838 Canton, Ct. - 1906 South Cottonwood, Salt Lake, Utah)
James Homer STOCKING (1842 - 1845)
Mary Louisa STOCKING (1846 - 1847 Iowa)
Maria Adeline STOCKING (1849 - 1870)
John Jay STOCKING (1854)
Angeline Harriet STOCKING (?)
Catherine Emiline STOCKING (? - Ma.)
Harriet Amanda STOCKING (?)
Jeremiah Reuben STOCKING (?)
Harriet Amanda STOCKING

Father : John Jay STOCKING (1806 - 1870)
Mother : Harriet ENSIGN (1814 - 1886)
Siblings :
Sarah Delight STOCKING (1838 Canton, Ct. - 1906 South Cottonwood, Salt Lake, Utah)
James Homer STOCKING (1842 - 1845)
Mary Louisa STOCKING (1846 - 1847 Iowa)
Maria Adeline STOCKING (1849 - 1870)
John Jay STOCKING (1854)
Ensign Israel STOCKING (?)
Catherine Emiline STOCKING (? - Ma.)
Jeremiah Reuben STOCKING (?)
Angeline Harriet STOCKING (?)
James Homer STOCKING

Father : John Jay STOCKING (1806 - 1870) (Age in the birth of the child : 36 years old)
Mother : Harriet ENSIGN (1814 - 1886) (Age in the birth of the child : 28 years old)
Siblings :
Sarah Delight STOCKING (1838 Canton, Ct. - 1906 South Cottonwood, Salt Lake, Utah)
Mary Louisa STOCKING (1846 - 1847 Iowa)
Maria Adeline STOCKING (1849 - 1870)
John Jay STOCKING (1854)
Catherine Emiline STOCKING (? - Ma.)
Jeremiah Reuben STOCKING (?)
Ensign Israel STOCKING (?)
Angeline Harriet STOCKING (?)
Harriet Amanda STOCKING (?)
Birth :
Date : about 1842
Death :
Date : August 1845 (3 years old)
Jeremiah Reuben STOCKING

Father : John Jay STOCKING (1806 - 1870)
Mother : Catherine Emeline ENSIGN (1809 - 1849)
Siblings :
Sarah Delight STOCKING (1838 Canton, Ct. - 1906 South Cottonwood, Salt Lake, Utah)
James Homer STOCKING (1842 - 1845)
Mary Louisa STOCKING (1846 - 1847 Iowa)
Maria Adeline STOCKING (1849 - 1870)
John Jay STOCKING (1854)
Ensign Israel STOCKING (?)
Catherine Emiline STOCKING (? - Ma.)
Harriet Amanda STOCKING (?)
Angeline Harriet STOCKING (?)
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