MINER Charles_ + WHEELER Mary_
MINER Christopher__
MINER Cyrus__MINER Randall__

MINER Christopher_ + RANDALL Mary_
MINER Cyrus__
MINER Randall__
MINER Cyrus Clark__
MINER Benjamin R.__MINER Jerah C.__

MINER Cyrus_ + CLARK Fanny_
MINER Cyrus Clark__
MINER Harriet Frances__

MINER Cyrus Clark_ + PACKARD Freelove_
MINER Harriet Frances__
DENNISON Carroll Avery__

MINER Edwin C._ + BROWN Viola F._
MINER Herbert Edwin_
MINER Ernest Norman__
MINER Edna Estella_MINER Ada Evelyn_MINER Elwin Joseph_

MINER Ethan Nichols_
MINER Abigail E.__
DOUSE Ida May_DOUSE Lewis George__DOWSE Armeina_DOUSE Hulda Armena__

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