DELANO Ephriam + CUSHMAN Elizabeth | | DELANO Warren  | |
| | DELANO Warren  |
DELANO Jonathan + WARREN Mercy | | | | | | | | | | DELANO Thomas  | |
| | DELANO Jonathan  | |
| | DELANO Ephriam  |
| | | | | | | | | | | DELANO Susanna  | DELANO Thomas  |
DELANO Jonathan + WINSLOW Elizabeth | | DELANO Elizabeth  | |
| | PINNEY Jonathan  |
DELANO Jonathan + DOTY Hannah | | | | | | | | | | DELANO Ruth  | |
| | DELANO Jonathan  | |
| | PETERSON Sylvanus  |
| | DELANO Elizabeth  |
DELANO Thomas + PECKHAM Jean | | DELANO Ephriam  | |
| | DELANO Warren  |
DELANO Thomas + ALDEN Rebecca | | DELANO Jonathan  | |
| | | | | | | | | | | DELANO Ruth  | DELANO Jonathan  |
DELANO Warren + CHURCH Deborah | | DELANO Warren  | |
| | DELANO Sara  |
DELANO Warren + LYMAN Catharine Robbins | | DELANO Sara  | |
| | ROOSEVELT Franklin Delano |
DELCAMP Raymond + STOUDT Violet | | DELCAMP Randall Craig  | |
| | DELCAMP Joseph Raymond |
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