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List of events ordered by date

Event TypeDatePlaceIndividualDocuments
Marriage11 January 1607United Kingdom - ESS Essex - WormingfordKNAPP William with TUE Judith
Birthabout February 1607 (previously 1606)Netherlands - LeidenCOOKE John
Birthabout February 1607 (previously 1606)?COOKE John
Birth15 March 1607?GAWKROGER Mary Platts
Birth15 March 1607?GAWKROGER Mary Platts
Birth15 March 1607United Kingdom - Halifax, YorkshireGAWKROGER Mary Platts
Birth15 March 1607?GAWKROGER Mary Platts
Birth29 March 1607United Kingdom - BDF Bedfordshire - StotfoldSPENCER Thomas
Birth15 May 1607?GAWKROGER Mary Platts
Birth31 May 1607United Kingdom - KEN Kent - SandwichCHILTON Mary
Birth7 June 1607United Kingdom - DEV Devon - CoyltonDOLBEAR Mary
Birth7 June 1607?DOLBEAR Mary
Birth26 July 1607United Kingdom - WAR Warwickshire - KenilworthGRISWOLD Edward
Birth30 August 1607?TILLEY Elizabeth
Birth13 September 1607?WHEELER Isaac
Birth13 September 1607?WHEELER Isaac
Birth13 September 1607?WHEELER Isaac
Birth13 September 1607United Kingdom - BDF Bedfordshire - CransfieldWHEELER Isaac
Birth29 October 1607United Kingdom - NTH NorthamptonshireTUTTLE William
Birth1607United Kingdom - Sulgrave, NorthamptonGLEASON Thomas
Birth1607United Kingdom - SFK Suffolk - Stanstead, SudburyRICE Henry
Birthabout 1607United KingdomJOHNSON John
Birthabout 1607United Kingdom - LDN LondonHAWKINS James
Birthabout 1607United Kingdom - CAM Cambridgeshire - HorseheathLING Alice
Birthabout 1607?JOHNSON William
Birthabout 1607United Kingdom - KEN Kent - CanterburyJOHNSON William
Birthabout 1607United Kingdom - LAN Lancashire - PrestburyLYNDE Elizabeth
Birthabout 1607?LYNDE Elizabeth
Birth1607United Kingdom - DBY Derbyshire - BakewellSTONE Barbara
Birthabout 1607?PENN Christian
Deathabout 1607?KIRTON Margaret
Birthabout 1607?JOHNSON William
Birth1607United KingdomPEASE John
Birth1607United Kingdom - ESS EssexMILLS Mary
Birth1607United Kingdom - SRY Surrey - KingstonJEWELL Thomas
Birth1607?PHILIPS Eleanor
Birth1607United Kingdom - NRY North YorkshirePHILIPS Eleanor
Birth1607?PHILIPS Eleanor
Birthabout 1607?EATON William
Birth1607United KingdomBRADELL Abigail
Birth8 January 1608United Kingdom - DEV DevonDANIELS Elizabeth
Birth22 January 1608?MARSHALL James
Marriage27 January 1608 (previously 1607)?MEAKINS Thomas with BELL Katherine
Birth28 January 1608United Kingdom - WAR Warwickshire - HillmortonPERKINS Abraham
Death5 March 1608United Kingdom - SFK Suffolk - StansteadFROST John
Death5 April 1608United Kingdom - Hillmorton, WarwickPERKINS Henry
Birth15 May 1608United Kingdom - KEN Kent - CranbrookEDDY Samuel
Birth9 June 1608?WRIGHT Richard
Birth9 June 1608United Kingdom - LDN LondonSALMON Sarah
BirthJune 1608United Kingdom - Chesham, BuckinghamLOVETT Daniel
Birth3 July 1608United Kingdom - HRT Hertfordshire - WestmillRICHARDSON Thomas
Birth12 July 1608United Kingdom - DEV Devon - St Andrews, Plymouth, Eng.WORTH Thomasin
Birth24 July 1608United Kingdom - Great YarmouthWILLIAMS Robert
Birth25 August 1608United Kingdom - Stockton, WilshireTERRY Stephen
BirthAugust 1608United Kingdom - SFK Suffolk - SouthwoldIBROOK Rebbecca
Birthbefore 18 September 1608United KingdomWIGHTMAN Anna
Birth16 October 1608United Kingdom - DedhamSHERMAN Richard
Birth22 October 1608United Kingdom - MarlboroughNOYES James
Birth12 November 1608United Kingdom - Saint Peter's, Berkhamsted, HertfordPITKIN William
Death3 December 1608United Kingdom - OXF Oxfordshire - BichesterSUMNER Rodger
Death12 December 1608United Kingdom - KEN Kent - HorsmondenMARGERY
Birth21 December 1608United Kingdom - DEV Devon - BarnstableSNOW Richard
Birthabout 1608United Kingdom - Holme-on-Spaulding-Moor, YorkCROSBY Simon
Death1608United Kingdom - Stansread, Sudbury,SullolkRICE Edward
Birthabout 1608United Kingdom - SFK Suffolk - Stanstead, SudburyRICE Edward
Birth1608?MILLARD John
Birth1608United KingdomMILLARD John
Birth1608United KingdomTOLMAN Thomas
Birthabout 1608?JOHNSON Perseverence
Death1608United Kingdom - SFK Suffolk - Stanstead, SudburyRICE Henry
Birth1608United Kingdom - AlderholtWILTON David
Birth1608?FULLER Samuel
Birth1608United Kingdom - LIN Lincolnshire - LincolnSAWYER Edward
Birth1608United Kingdom - ShaftsburyGOODENOW Thomas
Birth1608?MOLTON Frances
Birth1608United Kingdom - LEI LeicestershireMOLTON Frances
Birth1608?HANCOCK Nathaniel
Birth1608?GOODENOW Thomas
Birth1608United KingdomSTANYAN Anthony
Birth1608Wraxall, Dorsetshire, EnglanOVERTON Isabel
Birth1608?GRANT Christopher
Birth1608United Kingdom - ESS EssexSANFORD Thomas
Death1608?GALE Richard
Birth1608United Kingdom - ESS Essex - PurleighFAUNCE John
Birthabout 1608United Kingdom - SFK Suffolk - BarnhamBULLARD George
Birth1608United Kingdom - LAN LancashireRHODES Henry
Birth1608United Kingdom - ESS Essex - Bures St. Mary, .LOKER John
Birth1608United KingdomLOKER John
Birth1608United Kingdom - ESS Essex - WethersfieldWAITE Richard
Birth1608United KingdomFULLER Samuel
Birth1608?FULLER Samuel
Birth1608United Kingdom - NTH Northamptonshire - Daventry, .ANDREWS Henry
Death24 January 1609 (previously 1608)Shevington, Lancashire EnglandPRESCOTT Ralph
Birth28 January 1609United KingdomSTORY Elizabeth
Birth28 January 1609?STORY Elizabeth
Birth28 January 1609?STORY Elizabeth
Birth5 February 1609United Kingdom - CON Cornwall - MadronODDING Sarah
Birth7 February 1609United Kingdom - NBL Northumberland - New Castle-Upon-TyneWATSON John
Marriage9 February 1609 (previously 1608)?COOLEY William with ARNOTT Joan
Birth11 February 1609 (previously 1608)United KingdomCLARK William
Birth11 February 1609 (previously 1608)?CLARK William
Birth12 March 1609United Kingdom - St. Lawrence, JewryMAPLET Mary
Birth14 March 1609?GREY Priscilla
Birth6 April 1609United Kingdom - DEV Devon - Salcombe RegisCLAPP Roger
Birth6 April 1609?CLAPP Roger
Birth9 April 1609United Kingdom - LIN Lincolnshire - ColsterworthNEWTON Richard
Birth9 April 1609?NEWTON Richard
Birth9 April 1609United Kingdom - SFK SuffolkUNDERWOOD William
Birth9 April 1609?NEWTON Richard
Birth18 April 1609?BARRY Anne
Birth5 June 1609United Kingdom - HRT HertfordshireHARVEY Mary
Birth5 June 1609?HARVEY Mary
DeathJune 1609United Kingdom - HRT Hertfordshire - St AlbansLAWRENCE John
Birth1 August 1609United Kingdom - ESS EssexWHITING Nathaniel
Birth11 August 1609United Kingdom - SOM Somerset - ChaffcombeGILLETT Jonathan
Birth11 August 1609?GILLETT Jonathan
Birth8 October 1609United Kingdom - SFK SuffolkLAWRENCE John
Birth8 October 1609United Kingdom - SFK Suffolk - WissettLAWRENCE John
Birth8 October 1609?LAWRENCE John
Marriage8 October 1609United Kingdom - WAR Warwickshire - TamworthCHADBOURNE William
Marriage19 October 1609United Kingdom - Charlton, Mackrell, SomersetshireADAMS Henry with SQUIRE Edith
Birth26 October 1609?SPRAGUE William
Birth26 October 1609United Kingdom - Upwey, DorsetshireSPRAGUE William
Birthabout October 1609?SPRAGUE William
Birthabout October 1609?SPRAGUE William
Birth24 December 1609United Kingdom - BishopstoneSEARLE Edward
Birth1609United KingdomONION Robert
Birth1609United Kingdom - KEN KentHALE Robert
Birthabout 1609United Kingdom - LDN London - Stepney ParishBACON Elizabeth
Birthabout 1609?BOYCE Joseph
Birth1609United Kingdom - DOR Dorset - UpwaySPRAGUE William
Birth1609United Kingdom - LAN Lancashire - ClaytonWORDEN Peter
Birth1609United Kingdom - WIL WiltshireBALL Francis
Birthabout 1609United Kingdom - DBY Derbyshire - Little NortonPARKER Thomas
Birthabout 1609?PARKER Thomas
Birthabout 1609?RICE Richard
Birthabout 1609?WAITE Richard
Birth1609United Kingdom - NFK NorfolkMARSHALL Thomas
Marriageabout 1609United KingdomMORSE Joseph with BARBER Dorothy
Birthabout 1609United Kingdom - NBL Northumberland - Newcastle-upon-TyneHOLDEN Richard
Birthabout 1609?WILKERSON Jane
Birthabout 1609?DIX Edward
Birthabout 1609?STRATTON Margaret
Birth1609?BRIGGS John
Birth1609United Kingdom - MON MonmouthshireLEONARD John Soloman
Birth1609?MORSE Joseph (John)
Birthabout 1609United KingdomPEARSON John
Birth1609United Kingdom - WLS WalesGRIFFIN John
Birth1609United Kingdom - SFK Suffolk - IpswichSHATSWELL Theophilus
Birthabout 1609United KingdomATWOOD Alice
Birth1609?MOORE Goldin
Birth1609?MORSE Joseph (John)
Birth1609United Kingdom - SOM Somerset - Barton St DavidADAMS Henry
Death3 January 1610United KingdomGORTON Thomas
Birth5 February 1610 (previously 1609)United Kingdom - ESS Essex - DedhamSHERMAN Philip
Birth6 February 1610United Kingdom - ESS Essex - BraintreeCHURCH RIchard
BirthFebruary 1610United Kingdom - Stepney,London,MiddlesexKNIGHT Margery
Birth10 March 1610 (previously 1609)United Kingdom - LimpfieldBATES Elizabeth
Birth20 March 1610 (previously 1609)United Kingdom - LEI Leicestershire - CroftsSHELTON Sarah
Birth10 April 1610United Kingdom - Chesham, BucksPRIEST James
Birth10 April 1610United KingdomPRIEST James
Marriage25 April 1610United Kingdom - ESS Essex - BoxtedROGERS Barnaby with WELLS Mary
Birth28 April 1610United Kingdom - SFK Suffolk - IpswichHOLTON William
Birth28 April 1610?HOLTON William
DeathJune 1610?BULLARD William
Birth19 July 1610?MARSHALL John
Birth26 August 1610United Kingdom - SAL ShropshireCLARK Rebecca
Death28 August 1610United Kingdom - DedhamSHERMAN Henry
BirthAugust 1610United Kingdom - LIN Lincolnshire - Great LimberTENNEY Elizabeth
Birth22 September 1610United Kingdom - Pontefract, YorkshireBECKWITH Mathew
Birth10 October 1610?PARMENTER Mary
Birth10 October 1610United Kingdom - St. Peters, SudburyPARMENTER Mary
Marriage10 October 1610United KingdomLATHROP John with HOUSE Hannah
Birth21 October 1610?BATCHELDER John
Birth21 October 1610United Kingdom - KEN Kent - CanterburyBATCHELDER John
Birth21 December 1610United Kingdom - WIL Wiltshire - South MarstonLUNT Henry
Birth21 December 1610?LUNT Henry
Birth1610United KingdomBALDWIN Joseph
Birthabout 1610United Kingdom - ESS Essex - Bures, St. MaryLOKER Henry
Death1610United Kingdom - LDN LondonBOURNE John
Death1610?MATTOCKS James
Birth1610United KingdomCOOK Josias
Birth1610United Kingdom - ESS EssexMATTOCKS Alice
Birthabout 1610United KingdomBARKER John
Birthabout 1610United Kingdom - ESS Essex - BraintreeELMER Edward
Birth1610United Kingdom - CAM Cambridgeshire - Wood Ditton, CambridgeLNU Elizabeth
Birth1610?BARNES John
Birth1610?ODELL John
Birth1610?HYDE Samuel
Birth1610United Kingdom - HEF HerefordshireHALE Samuel
Birth1610United KingdomHADLEY Ellen
Birthabout 1610United KingdomBARTLETT John
Birthabout 1610United Kingdom - DEV Devon - St Andrews, Plymouth, Eng.WORTH Joane
Birthabout 1610?KETTLE Richard
Birth1610?DERIFAL Anne
Birthabout 1610?COOK Richard
Birth1610?LEWIS William
Birthabout 1610Pembrokeshire, WalesFELCH Henry
Birthabout 1610?DARBY Richard
Birth1610?BALDWIN Mary
Birth1610?HICKS Margaret
Birthabout 1610United KingdomWOOD John
Birthabout 1610?WOOD John
Birthabout 1610United Kingdom - NFK Norfolk - HinghamSMITH Ralph
Birth1610United KingdomSEALD Katherine
Birth1610?SEALD Katherine
Birth1610United KingdomROBINSON Thomas
Birth1610United KingdomWILMOT Benjamin
Birthabout 1610United KingdomSTODDER Hannah
Birth1610United Kingdom - WAR Warwickshire - KenilworthHICKS Margaret
Birthabout 1610United Kingdom - SOM Somerset - ChardSTRONG John
Birthabout 1610United Kingdom - DEV Devon - St. Andrews, PlymouthSTRONG Barbara
Birthabout 1610?TILER Alice
Birthabout 1610?STRONG Barbara
Birthabout 1610?THOMPSON Simon
Birth1610?TICE Ann
Birth1610?GOODNOW Thomas
Birthabout 1610United Kingdom - KEN Kent - Strood, St. NicholasWING John
Birth1610United KingdomBRIDGET
Birth1610United KingdomDAWES Priscilla
Birth1610United Kingdom - SFK Suffolk - WesthorpeCLARK Bray
Birth1610United KingdomCARY John
Birth1610?BALDWIN Joseph
Birthabout 1610?LOMBARD Thomas
Birth1610?BRADFORD Susanna
Birthabout 1610?WARREN Mary
Birthabout 1610?MARY
Birth1610United KingdomVINAL Stephen
Birth1610United KingdomBRADFORD Susanna
Birthabout 1610United KingdomDIX Edward
Birth1610United KingdomMORSE Joseph
Birth1610United Kingdom - KEN Kent - CanterburyKNOWLTON John
Birth1610United Kingdom - NFK Norfolk - HinghamBAKER Nicholas

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