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List of events ordered by date

Event TypeDatePlaceIndividualDocuments
Marriage28 January 1603 (previously 1602)United Kingdom - KEN Kent - DoverEATON Peter with PATTERSON Elizabeth
Birth19 February 1603?LEFFINGWELL Michael
Birth19 February 1603United Kingdom - ESS Essex - White ColneLEFFINGWELL Michael
Birth19 February 1603United KingdomLEFFINGWELL Michael
Birth25 February 1603United KingdomSTEARNS Isaac
Birth25 February 1603?STEARNS Isaac
Birth25 February 1603?STEARNS Isaac
Birthbefore 27 February 1603United KingdomWIGHTMAN Maria
Birth25 March 1603?COLLINS Edward
DeathMarch 1603United Kingdom - SFK Suffolk - Nayland, .SCARLETT Elizabeth
Marriage25 April 1603St. LMAPLET John with MARY
Birth15 May 1603United Kingdom - GLS Gloucestershire - TewkesburyWARD William
Birth15 May 1603?WARD William
Birth15 May 1603United KingdomWARD William
Birth15 May 1603?WARD William
Birth27 May 1603?BARTLETT Robert
Birth27 May 1603United Kingdom - Puddletown, DorsetshireBARTLETT Robert
Death28 June 1603United KingdomCASTLE Martha
Death30 June 1603United Kingdom - Stoke by Nayland, SulfolkMORSE Thomas Richard
Marriage20 July 1603Netherlands - LeidenCOOKE Francis with MAHIEU Hester
Marriage13 September 1603Lydd, Kent EnglandBATES James with GLOVER Alice
BirthSeptember 1603United Kingdom - ESS Essex - DedhamANGER Mary
Marriage7 November 1603?SMITH John with DRAKE Isabel
Birth7 December 1603Netherlands - LeidenDELANO Philip
Birth23 December 1603United Kingdom - DEV Devon - St Andrews, Plymouth, Eng.WORTH Anne
Birth1603Holme, Spalding Moor, YorkshireBRIGHAM Thomas
Birth1603Warwick, R.I.SCRANTON Thomas
Birthabout 1603?SMITH Giles
Birth1603United KingdomFLINT Thomas
Birth1603?FULLER Mathew
Birth1603?GODFREY Elizabeth
Birthabout 1603United Kingdom - DEV DevonWEEKS George
Birthabout 1603?WEEKS George
Birth1603United Kingdom - DOR DorsetGREENE Percival
Birth1603?WARREN Joanna
Birth1603United KingdomHILL Valentine
Birthabout 1603?MINSHALL Sarah
Birthabout 1603United Kingdom - NTH NorthamptonshireMINSHALL Sarah
Birthabout 1603?GURNEY John
Birthabout 1603United Kingdom - SSX Sussex - EastbournLEWIS John
Birth1603United KingdomGREENE Percival
Deathabout 1603United Kingdom - DEV Devon - St Andrews, Plymouth, Eng.WORTH Anne
Birthabout 1603United KingdomWILCOX Edward
Birth1603United KingdomPRITCHARD Rodger
Birth1603Netherlands - NHL Noord-Holland - DebeemsterCORNELIUS *divertje
Birth1603United Kingdom - SAL Shropshire - DorringtonWHEELOCK Mary
Death1603United Kingdom - Hillmorton, WarwickSAWBRIDGE Elizabeth
Birth1603?HOLLAND Ann
Birthabout 1603United Kingdom - KEN Kent - TenterdenTILDEN Elizabeth
Birthabout 1603?TILDEN Elizabeth
Birth1603?MARSHALL Elizabeth
Birth1603United KingdomMARSHALL Elizabeth
Birth1603United KingdomHOLLAND Ann
Birthabout 1603United Kingdom - London, MiddlesexCARR Richard
Birth1603United Kingdom - NorthampshireGOODMAN Dorothy Waynes
Birthabout 1603United KingdomMERRIAM George
Birth1603?GOODMAN Dorothy Waynes
Birth1603United Kingdom - ESS Essex - FarnhamBAYFORD Annis
Birth1 January 1604 (previously 1603)United Kingdom - SFK Suffolk - Stoke by HaylandBARKER Mary
Birth1 January 1604 (previously 1603)?BARKER Mary
Birth1 January 1604 (previously 1603)?BARKER Mary
Birth4 January 1604United Kingdom - Sawbridgeworth,Herfordshire,.SEYMOUR Richard
BirthFebruary 1604United Kingdom - LDN London - StepneyHAYWARD WIlliam
BirthFebruary 1604?HAYWARD WIlliam
Birth6 April 1604United Kingdom - DEV Devon - BarnstapleHARRIS Agnes
Birthbefore 10 April 1604United Kingdom - LIN Lincolnshire - Rigsby-With-AilbyWAITE Richard
Birth27 May 1604?BRIANT Abigail
Birth27 May 1604?BRIANT Abigail
Birth27 May 1604?BRIANT Abigail
Birth27 May 1604?BRIANT Abigail
Birth27 May 1604?BRIANT Abigail
Birth27 May 1604United Kingdom - WIL Wiltshire - ShalbourneBRIANT Abigail
Birth17 June 1604?WELBY Olive
BirthJune 1604United Kingdom - FordwichPOST Stephen
BirthJune 1604United Kingdom - Wootton-sub-Edge, GloucesterKIMBERLEY Thomas
Birth1 September 1604?TABER Philip
Birth1 September 1604United Kingdom - ESS Essex - KelmingtonTABER Philip
Birth13 October 1604United Kingdom - NFK Norfolk - HinghamHOBART Peter
Birth21 October 1604United Kingdom - KEN Kent - AshfordMILLER John
Death30 October 1604?ALMY Thomas
Death30 October 1604?ALMY John
Death20 November 1604United Kingdom - ESS Essex - WaldenWOODHALL William
BirthNovember 1604?PERRY John
Birthabout 1604United KingdomBREWER Thomas
Birthabout 1604United Kingdom - STS StaffordshireOAKES Edward
Birthabout 1604United KingdomDAVENPORT Thomas
Birth1604United Kingdom - HRT Hertfordshire - BusheyCARTER Hannah Ann
Birth1604United Kingdom - Salcombe Regis DevonshireCLAPP Jane
Birthabout 1604Wraxall, Dorsetshire, EnglanHEWETT Ephriam
Birth1604?CLAPP Jane
Birth1604United Kingdom - Standish ParishPRESCOTT John
Marriagebefore 1604?HOPKINS Stephen with MARY
Birth1604?CARTER Hannah Ann
Birth1604Ireland - Grange, Carrickfergus, AntrimCLARK William
Birthabout 1604?BREWER Thomas
Deathafter 1604United Kingdom - BKM Buckinghamshire - CheshamGOULD Richard
Birth1604?GOODALE Robert
Birth1604United Kingdom - DEV Devon - AwliscombeMAVERICK Elias
Birth1604?MAVERICK Elias
Birthabout 1604United Kingdom - SFK Suffolk - BarnhamMARTYN Anne
Birth1604United Kingdom - CAM Cambridgeshire - CottinghamCOOLIDGE John
Birth1604?COOLIDGE John
Birth1604United Kingdom - NFK Norfolk - HinghamCOOPER Judith
Birthabout 1604United Kingdom - DEV DevonWATSON Thomas
Birth1604?COOLIDGE John
Birth1604?BARNARD John
Birth1604United Kingdom - DBY DerbyshireALDRICH George
Birth1604United Kingdom - IpswichBARNARD John
Birth1604?FRENCH William
Birth1604United Kingdom - Standish PerishPRESCOTT John
Birth1604?PRESCOTT John
Birth1604?PRESCOTT John
Birth1604?ALDRICH George
Birth10 January 1605United Kingdom - SFK Suffolk - LavenhamBROWNE Thomas
Birth27 January 1605 (previously 1604)?WEBSTER John
Birth27 January 1605 (previously 1604)United Kingdom - IpswichWEBSTER John
Birth27 January 1605United Kingdom - OXF Oxfordshire - BichesterSUMNER William
Death8 February 1605 (previously 1604)United Kingdom - Northwich, ChesireHILTON William
BirthFebruary 1605 (previously 1604)?JACKSON Edward
Birth9 March 1605United Kingdom - DBY DerbyshireBEARDSLEY William
Birth9 March 1605?BEARDSLEY William
Birth6 April 1605United Kingdom - BRK BerkshireJONES Lewis
Birth6 April 1605United KingdomJONES Lewis
Birth7 April 1605?WILLARD Simon
Birth7 April 1605?WILLARD Simon
Birth7 April 1605?WILLARD Simon
Birth7 April 1605?WILLARD Simon
Birth7 April 1605?WILLARD Simon
Birth7 April 1605United Kingdom - KEN Kent - HorsmondenWILLARD Simon
Birth14 April 1605?SMITH Thomas
Birth14 April 1605United Kingdom - ESS Essex - ColchesterSMITH Thomas
Birth14 April 1605?SMITH Thomas
Birth23 May 1605?CARPENTER William
Birth6 June 1605United Kingdom - MDX Middlesex - Ratcliff, StepneyGRAVES Thomas
Marriage2 July 1605?PARKER John with BATES Jane
Birth1 August 1605United Kingdom - ESS Essex - Bures St MaryLOKER Anne
BirthAugust 1605United Kingdom - DEV DevonMARTIN Edward
Birth3 September 1605United Kingdom - SFK Suffolk - IpswichHUBBARD Hannah
Birth6 October 1605United Kingdom - Bruton, SomersetshireAMES William
Death23 October 1605?SEYMOUR John
Birth4 November 1605United Kingdom - RUT Rutland - TixoverROYCE Robert
Birth10 November 1605United Kingdom - BDF Bedfordshire - SalfordODELL Mary
Marriage12 November 1605United Kingdom - BKM Buckinghamshire - StansteadRICE Henry with FROST Elizabeth
Death13 November 1605United Kingdom - ESS Essex - BoxtedPAGE Richard
Marriage25 November 1605?KENDALL John with SACHERELL Elizabeth
Birth11 December 1605United Kingdom - ColchesterWELLS Thomas
Birth1605United Kingdom - HAM Hampshire - WinchesterBEACOMSAWE Alice
Birth1605?FISHER Mary
Birth1605United Kingdom - WAR Warwickshire - CoventryHALL John
Death1605United Kingdom - DEV Devon - MarldonHARVEY Ellen
Birthabout 1605United KingdomHASTINGS Thomas
Birth1605United Kingdom - KEN KentGOULD Jarvis
Birth1605United KingdomHARRIS John
Birthabout 1605United Kingdom - SFK Suffolk - WesthorpeCLARK Carew
Birth1605United Kingdom - WAR WarwickshireSTAFFORD Thomas
Birthabout 1605United KingdomGRAVES John
Birth1605United Kingdom - KEN Kent - GravesendLEACH Robert
Birthabout 1605United Kingdom - NTT Nottinghamshire - PuddingtonBLOOD James
Birth1605United KingdomHILDRETH Richard
Birth1605?KING Thomas
Birth1605United Kingdom - DEV DevonLOBDELL Nicholas
Birth1605United Kingdom - DEV Devon - EmglandLOBDELL Nicholas
Birthabout 1605United Kingdom - SOM Somerset - WiveliscombeUPHAM Rebecca
Birth1605?LOBDELL Nicholas
Birth1605?TAYLOR John
Birth1605?HARVEY Mary
Birth1605?KING Thomas
Birth1605United KingdomSTRATTON Ann
Birth1605?STRATTON Ann
Death1605United Kingdom - ESS Essex - ShalfordALLGAR Bridget
Birth11 January 1606United KingdomTOMLINS Timothy
Birth8 February 1606United Kingdom - NFK Norfolk - Hingham, .COOPER Thomas
Birth11 February 1606United Kingdom - WOR Worcestershire - DroitwichWINSLOW Josiah
Birth15 February 1606 (previously 1605)United Kingdom - KEN Kent - TendertonBOURNE Margaret
Birth6 March 1606 (previously 1605)United Kingdom - SFK Suffolk - RedgraveMORSE Elizabeth
Birth6 March 1606 (previously 1605)?MORSE Elizabeth
Birth23 March 1606 (previously 1605)United Kingdom - BDF Bedfordshire - CranfieldWHEELER George
Birth23 March 1606 (previously 1605)?WHEELER George
Birth23 March 1606United Kingdom - Dorking, SurryMASON Hugh
Death27 March 1606United Kingdom - Northwich, ChesireMANWARING Ellen
Death31 March 1606United Kingdom - BosworthPAINE Anthony
Birth1 April 1606United Kingdom - DedhamSHERMAN Hester
Birth1 April 1606?SHERMAN Hester
Birth11 April 1606United Kingdom - DEV Devon - Worth House, Washfield ParishWORTH John
Birth7 May 1606United Kingdom - SSX Sussex - WestbourneHALE Margaret
Birth21 May 1606United Kingdom - SFK Suffolk - IpswichCUTLER James
Birth21 May 1606?CUTLER James
Birth20 June 1606United Kingdom - OXF Oxfordshire - BichesterWEST Mary
Birth29 June 1606?WRIGHT Samuel
Birth3 August 1606United Kingdom - LEI LeicestershireGREENE Thomas
Birth3 August 1606?GREENE Thomas
Birth3 September 1606United Kingdom - ESS Essex - DedhamWHITING Phoebe
Birth3 September 1606?WHITING Phoebe
Birth24 September 1606United Kingdom - HRT Hertfordshire - WestmillRICHARDSON Ezekiel
Birth24 September 1606?RICHARDSON Ezekiel
Death5 October 1606?LATHROP Thomas
Birth23 November 1606United Kingdom - DEV Devon - BranscombeBUCKLAND William
Birth23 November 1606?BUCKLAND William
Birth26 November 1606United Kingdom - BKM Buckinghamshire - Aston ClintonBATES Edward
Birth21 December 1606?CLIFTON Thomas
Birth1606United Kingdom - DOR Dorset - GillinghamGREENE John
Birth1606United Kingdom - LDN LondonCOLLINS Henry
Birth1606United Kingdom - NFK NorfolkRIDER Thomas
Birth1606United KingdomBILLINGTON Francis
Birth1606?SHORT Elizabeth
Birth1606United Kingdom - HarwichLIVERMORE John
Birth1606?LIVERMORE John
Birth1606?LIVERMORE John
Birth1606?LIVERMORE John
Birth1606?LIVERMORE John
Birth1606United Kingdom - LancasterATHERTON Humphrey
Birth1606United Kingdom - Weymouth, DorsetshireDAVENPORT RIchard
Birth1606United Kingdom - NFK NorfolkLANE Elizabeth
Birth1606United Kingdom - Newark, NottinghamBOSWORTH Alice
Birth1606?WEST Joan
Birth1606United KingdomJOHNSON Rebecca
Birth1606United Kingdom - SAL Shropshire - DorringtonWHEELOCK John
Birthabout 1606United Kingdom - Ely, CambridgeTAYLOR Mary
Death1606United Kingdom - WinstanleyRUDD Mary
Birth1606?ATHERTON Humphrey
Birth1606United Kingdom - HRT Hertfordshire - Abbotts LangleyRUSSELL William
Birth1606United KingdomSTEVENS John
Birthabout 1606United KingdomRUSCOE Mercy
Birth1606United Kingdom - IpswichSHATSWELL Mary
Birthabout 1606United Kingdom - Holme-on-Spaulding-Moor, YorkBRIGHAM Anne
Birth1606?ATHERTON Humphrey

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