KENDALL Thomas + PAYNE Rebecca | | | | | | | | | | | | KENDALL Rebecca  | |
| | KENDALL Susannah | |
| | KENDALL Hannah  | |
| | BOUTWELL John  |
| | |
KENDRICK Benjamin | | KENDRICK Anna  | |
| | PIERCE Franklin |
KENDRICK Caleb + BOWEN Abigail | | KENDRICK Benjamin  | |
| | KENDRICK Anna  |
KENDRICK Harry + MIXER Bertha | | KENDRICK Newell | |
| |
KENNARD Isaac M + RUSH Dorcas | | KENNARD Alfred Ray  | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | KENNARD Benjamin Ray | KENNARD Elmer Hunh | KENNARD Gertrude King  | KENNARD Ethyl Mae |
KENNEDY Alexander + BROWN Catherine | | KENNEDY Sally | |
| |
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