DUMOULIN Wilfred Leonard Brien + JORDAN Joan Arlene | | | | | | | | | | DUMOULIN Troy Brian | |
| | DUMOULIN Kimberly Jean | |
| | |
DUNBAR Asa + JONES Mary | | DUNBAR Cynthia  | |
| | THOREAU Henry David |
DUNBAR Peter + THAXTER Sarah | | DUNBAR Samuel  | |
| | DUNBAR Asa  |
DUNBAR Samuel + HAYWARD Mary | | DUNBAR Asa  | |
| | DUNBAR Cynthia  |
DUNBAR Steven + DICKINSON Lisa Ann | | DUNBAR Caroline | |
| |
DUNCKLEE David + ODELL Phebe | | DUNCKLEE Elizabeth  | |
| | PIERCE Mary Bowers  |
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