COOK Silas_ + DARLING Joanna_
COOK Phila_
COOK Olney_
COOK Ziba__
COOK Olney Darling__
COOK James Monroe_COOK Silas_COOK Lyman Van Buren_COOK Lavina_COOK Frances Wallice_COOK Fenner_
COOK Francis Olney_COOK Lycurgus Van Buren__COOK Lucius Webster_COOK Marcus Draper_COOK Dwight Madison_COOK Julia Caroline_COOK Harriet M._COOK Emiline H._

COOK Sylvanus_ + BARSTOW Sarah_
COOK Sarah__
WARNER Justus__WARNER Sarah_

COOK Thomas_ + BURT Sarah_
COOK Andrew__
COOK Hannah__

COOK Unknown_ + JONES Silvale_
COOK Sarah__
WHITNEY Lemuel Philip_WHITNEY Emory Zora__WHITNEY Jotham Emerson__WHITNEY Joseph Gordon__WHITNEY Willard Martin__

COOK Westwood_ + COOK Joanna_
COOK Moses__
COOK Levi__

COOK Westwood_ + COLEMAN Sarah_
COOK Westwood__
COOK Moses__

COOKE Esther_
TABER Esther__
PERRY Ebenezer__

COOKE Jacob_ + MILLER Lydia_
COOKE John__
COOK Sylvanus__

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