ANJOU Falk IV "Rechin" Count of_ + de MONTFORT Bertrade_
ANJOU Fulk V Count of__
d'ANJOU Mathilde (Duchess of Normandy )_d' ANJOU Sibilla_d'ANJOU Count of Maine Elias_PLANTAGENET Geoffrey V Count of Anjou__

MAINE Count of Maine Hellas of_ + AQUITAINE Agnes of_
DU MAINE Ermengarde__
d'ANJOU Mathilde (Duchess of Normandy )_d' ANJOU Sibilla_d'ANJOU Count of Maine Elias_PLANTAGENET Geoffrey V Count of Anjou__

ENGLAND Henry I "Beauclerc" of_ + CORBET Sibyl_
FITZROY Reginald De Dunstanville__

ENGLAND Henry I "Beauclerc" of_ + SCOTLAND Edith Matilda Atheling of_
ENGLAND Matilda de Beauclerc of__
PLANTAGENET King Henry II (Curtmantle)__PLANTAGENET Geoffrey VI of Anjou_PLANTAGENET William Count of Anjou_

AETHLING Prince of England Edward_ + von BRUNSWICK Agatha_
SCOTLAND Edith Matilda Atheling of__
ENGLAND Matilda de Beauclerc of__WILLIAM _

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