NEWTON Joseph + DRURY Experience | | NEWTON Josiah  | |
| |
DRURY John + GODDARD Susannah | | DRURY Experience  | |
| | NEWTON Josiah  |
GREELEY Andrew | | GREELEY Rachel  | |
| | NEWTON Joseph  |
CROSIER Frank + DANFORD Clara | | CROSIER Roy S.  | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | CROSIER Lester LeRoy | CROSIER Phyllis Faye | CROSIER Dorothea |
CROSIER Roy S. + REVELL Julia Leah | | | | | | | | | | | | CROSIER Lester LeRoy | |
| | CROSIER Phyllis Faye | |
| | CROSIER Dorothea | |
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