SNEDEKER Frank R. + BROWN Minnie M. | | | | | | | | | | | | SNEDEKER Rev. Clarence Arthur  | |
| | SNEDEKER Raymond E. | |
| | SNEDEKER Ethel A. | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | SNEDEKER Robert | SNEDEKER Beverly | SNEDEKER Dale |
| | |
SNEDEKER Rev. Clarence Arthur + BARTLESON Lela Leona | | | | | | | | | | | | SNEDEKER Robert | |
| | SNEDEKER Beverly | |
| | SNEDEKER Dale | |
| | | |
SNELL Ebenezer + PACKARD Sarah | | SNELL Sarah  | |
| | BRYANT William Cullen |
SNELL Josiah + ALDEN Anna | | SNELL Zachariah  | |
| | SNELL Ebenezer  |
SNELL Richard | | SNELL Thomas  | |
| | SNELL Josiah  |
SNELL Thomas + HARRIS Martha | | SNELL Josiah  | |
| | SNELL Zachariah  |
SNELL Zachariah + HAYWARD Abigail | | SNELL Ebenezer  | |
| | SNELL Sarah  |
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