SANFORD Robert + ADAMS Anne | | SANFORD Mary | |
| |
SANFORD Samuel + GOULD Hannah | | SANFORD Thomas  | |
| | SANFORD Daniel Clark  |
SANFORD Thomas + MEADOWS Sarah | | SANFORD Samuel  | |
| | SANFORD Samuel  |
SANFORD Thomas + CLARK Lydia | | SANFORD Daniel Clark  | |
| | SANFORD Levi  |
SANFORD Wiliam M. + BROWN Nancy A | | SANFORD Albert Brown  | |
| | SANFORD Doris Mildred |
SANFORD William H | | | | | | | | | | SANFORD Wiliam M.  | |
| | SANFORD Mary Adela | |
| | SANFORD Albert Brown  |
| |
SANTAGA John + LOUISE  | | | | | | | | | | SANTAGA Larry | |
| | SANTAGA Debbie | |
| | |
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