Rescue Attempt At Sea
(Pictures by Walt Adams)

The USS Searcher came upon a freighter that was sinking  and launched her motor Whale Boat in a rescue attempt but came upon some bad times. 

"Here are the pics of the events occurring one week before the Searcher lost its' screw.  Our rescue attempt of the Freighters crew had gone bad because the motor whale boat 's engine failed.  The Canadian tin can actually took the crew on board.  We had to get our men back and we did.  One week later, in a storm, the Searcher lost her screw and had to be towed back to the Brooklyn Naval Shipyard."

While steaming to our station in the North Atlantic the Searcher became aware of a sinking freighter.
The Searcher rescue crew being lowered.  Note - in the background another ship.  It is a Canadian DE that came upon the scene.  The Searcher was first and the Captain wanted to do the honors.
To the rescue.
The engine failed.  Now our guys are in trouble.  Notice the line that was shot to the whale boat to pull them along side.
While trying to pull the helpless whaleboat up, the lifting eye "pulled out" and now the boat is just hanging there.  Thankfully no real injuries.  It is speculated that from this position, the whale boat was cut loose and was mangled by the screw.  Or was the screw mangled by the whale boat. We lost the screw at sea a week later.

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