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Source reference H4744 :
Individuals : Belle Eleanor MOON
Notes for Belle Eleanor Moon:
Never had children. Have several pictures of Belle with Doris.
There is great speculation whether or not Belle ever was married to Colley. She did marry in 1958 to Irving LeBarron. Certificate states that it was her first marriage. She is pictured in 1944 with Doris and family and William Colley is in the photo as well. This fact, coupled with the LeBarron marriage certificate, leads us to believe that she was indeed not married to Colley.
On Belle's birth certificate it reads: # of children born to this mother, including this birth - 6
# of children living - 5
Marriage Notes for Belle Moon and Irving LaBarren:
Certificate lists his residence as East Hebron, Washington County, New York
His age 64 years. Widowed. Second Marriage, Farmer, Birthplace Vermont.
Father listed at Nathan LeBarron Dead Birthplace New York
Mother listed as Eva Mae Kent Dead Birthplace Vermont
Belle is listed as living in Washington County, age 42 single first marriage, occupation - housework, birthplace New York
Source reference H4745 :
Individuals : Stillborn MOON
Notes for Stillborn Moon:
Death Certificate states that Charles Moon was informant of "her" death, as well as the undertaker. The child was buried on "the farm" on March 23, 1924.
Permit for burial was issued by George W. Hatch on March 23, 1924.
The birth certificate reads: Number of chldren born to this mother, including present birth - Nine 9
Number of children of the mother now living - Seven 7
Medical Certificate of Death reads:
Date of death - Between Feb. 20 and March 21, 1924
Death occurred at 8 pm. The cause of death was as follows:
Death probably due to a uterine hemorrhage at the seventh month.
Was there an autopsy? decomposition
Whattest confirmed diagnosis? Eyes and Heart - 1st stage of
Source reference H4746 :
Individuals : Russell MOON
Notes for Russell Moon:
On Russell's birth certificate, it reads: Number of children born and now living - 6
His obituary reads:" Russell Moon, 78 World War 11 Veteran
Russell Moon, 78 of 68 School St., Westerly, R.I., died Thursday at Westerly Nursing Home.
Born in Stephentown on Dec. 9, 1918, the son of Charles and Clara Houghtling Moon, he was a graduate of New Lebanon High School and a World War 2 Army veteran.
Mr. Moon was employed by United Airlines as a mechanic.
He leaves his wife, the former Marion Currier; three sons, Stephen Moon of Westerly, Phillip Moon of Stockton, Calif., and David Moon of Northfield, N.H.; a daughter, Ruth Johnson of Hopkinton, R.I.; a brother, Lewis Cooley of Queensbury, R.I.; a sister, Agnes McClamma of Largo, Fla., and 16 grandchildren."
Uncle Russell encouraged several of us in the family to look into the family tree and put together a comprehensive history of the family. His death saddens us, because we know that there was much more information that he had, that we didn't have the opportunity to get from him, and the current results of our efforts will not be realized by him. His encouragement will be missed.
In a note from Stephentown: " Deborah Knapp said Russel Moon was adopted by Mr. and Mrs. Knapp".Don't believe that this is true, because he was always Russell Moon and in all of his correspondence, he never said anything other than he was taken in by the Knapp's.
Source reference H4747 :
Individuals : George W. SWEENER
Calvin Atwater Collection #47
1913 tax, 47 ac farm, borders highway Staples, Lapp $375
also 25 ac. woodlot, borders Crandel, Fuller, Alderman, Casey $25.00
also 40 ac. Bacon lot, borders Sweener, Cole
also 39 as. Chase lot, borders Smith, highway, Baen, and Carr
1916 tax - 2 & 3 same as above, also 86 ac. farm, borders highway, Staples, app, Carr, $450. Same 1917
#3 & 5 in1918
#3 taxed in 1919
#1,2,3,4 same in 1912
Source reference H4748 :
Individuals : Melvin Stanley MARTINSON
Notes for Melvin Stanley Martinson:
Melvin was a Doctor.
Source reference H4749 :
Individuals : Gordon William MARTINSON
born unknown but only lived 4 months
Source reference H4750 :
Individuals : Alexander P. HAWKINS
Notes for *Alexander P. Hawkins:
Was an Episcopal minister
Source reference H4751 :
Individuals : Caroline Grace DAMRELL
Notes for *Caroline Grace Damrell:
Carrie said that the name Damrell was well known around Beacon Hill.
Source reference H4752 :
Individuals : Muriel B.MCVEIGH
Not sure if McVeigh is birth name or married name.
Source reference H4753 :
Individuals : Mary E. HOUGHTLING
Notes for *Mary E. Houghtling:
From Stephentown, New York Heritage Center Living Gravestones Collection:
Mary E. Wheeler, wife of Milo Wheeler
Buried East Nassau Section 2
Source reference H4754 :
Individuals : Elizabeth Amelia SWEENER
Elizabeth Amelia Sweener was knon as Lizzie
Source reference N4755 :
Individuals : Anna ANDERSON
Notes for Anna Andersen:
From Cornelia Martinson Lawrence:
One sister Anna came to the US to live with Karen but she contracted"Consumption" - the Dr. told Karen she really could not live there as Karen had several small children by then - so she had to go back to Norway.This was a heart break for my mother.
There was one other sister, Alene, all I know is that she died the same year she was born 1884.
I have visited with all these 1st cousins on all my trips to Norway - with Einar, Agnes and Arthur before they passed away.Being my peers, none of them spoke or speak English but all the younger generations speak English very well so there is no problem communicating.
Source reference H4756 :
Individuals : Elizabeth MCVEIGH
Notes for Elizabeth McVeigh:
Elizabeth is buried in Brattleboro at Prospect Hill Cemetary.
Source reference H4757 :
Individuals : Mathew William MCVEIGH
Notes for Matthew William McVeigh:
Buried in Prospect Hill Cemetary on September 26, 1950
Source reference H4758 :
Individuals : Stephen Van Rensselaer WHEELER
Notes for *Stephen Van Rensselaer Wheeler:
Not Roxanna's child.
From Stephentown, New York Heritage Center Living Gravestones Collection:
1850 census, age 33, farmer, m. Electa. Stephen listed as farmer with real estate valued at $60.00.
Issue: Alonzo 10, Milo 8, Miss 6, Mr. 3, Infant 2 mos. (would be Lewis Linn, b. April, 1850)
Worked for George Holcomb March 9, 1831
April 8, 1839, went to board with George Holcomb and work at shoe making and agreed to work two days out of each week to pay for his board.
1850 census lists him next door to Silas Eddy - 33, Jerusha Eddy - 59, (Ira Eddy's wife),Eliza A. Eddy - 16, Anna Eddy - 58,(Ira Eddy's sister) A. Cline - 11 (male). Silas listed as farmer with real estate valued at $2,000.
Next door to them was:
Asa Eddy - 32, Salma N. Eddy - 22, Asa was a farmer with real estate valued at $1500.
From Jason Wheeler:
The Lansingburgh Gazette, March 21, 1861 reported that on Tuesday evening a man named Stephen Wheeler was drowned in the Kinderhook Creek at East Nassau.He was a man of intemperate habits, and left the tavern at Nassau only moments before he met his death.The location of Stephen's burial place seems to be unknown.
Source reference H4759 :
Individuals : Electa PRATT
Notes for *Electa Pratt:
Electa is buried in the cemetary in East Nassau. She is buried under the name of Electa Cleveland. Her full name was - Electa Pratt Wheeler Balch Cleveland. I believe that there is another name in there but it escapes me.
According to 1850 census, she could not read or write.
Source reference H4760 :
Individuals : Jacob HOUGHTLING
Notes for *Jacob Houghtling:
Buried East Nassau, Section 2
Died at age 74 yrs.
"Father thou has gone and left us
Here on earth a while to stay
But we hope again to meet you
Ne'er to part through endless day"
Source reference H4761 :
Individuals : REBECCA
Notes for *Rebecca (ne ?) Houghtling:
Her epitaph reads: "Mother thou hast gone to meet, Who was once thy bosom friend, Yes, he's ready stands to greet you, Where your joys shall never end."
Buried in East Nassau Cemetary, Section 2. Died age 76Buried in East Nassau, Sec. 2. Jacob's tombstone leans toward Rebecca's.
Died at age 76.
"Mother thou hast gone to meet him
Who was once thy bosom friend
Yes he's ready stands to greet you
Where your joys shall never end"
Source reference H4762 :
Individuals : George WHEELER
Notes for George Wheeler:
Was a basket maker.
Source reference H4763 :
Individuals : Mary A. MOON
Notes for Mary A. Moon:
Mary A. Moon married into the Vermont Moon family and had 15 children. The 1870 Bennington Vermont census report shows that John H. Moon and family lived next door to David Moon and family. David Moon was the father of George Moon, who married Mary. However, we have not been able to establish the relationship, if any, between John H. Moon and David Moon.
Source reference H4764 :
Individuals : James MOON
Notes for James Moon:
From Stephentown, N.Y. town hall records:
Marriage record:
April 16, 1893
James Moon age 22
Resides in Berlin, N.Y.
Born in Petersburgh, N.Y.
Parents: Henry Moon and Elmira Sela(??)
Bride: Hattie Church age 17
Resides in Petersburgh
Born in Petersburgh
Parents: John W. Church and Emily Seaton
Source reference H4765 :
Individuals : Emma MOON
Notes for Emma Moon:
Ella Amidon remembers Uncle Dan as having a long, white beard, consequently, the children called him "Santa Claus".She also remembers that Aunt Emma would visit Grandma Sweener (Doris, Emma's niece) and would play with Aunt Ella and her siblings.They liked to do things like have a tea party with fake food, etc., and she said that Aunt Emma would pretend right along with the children.She remembered her to be very nice, but always was very old to her.
Sophie Houghtling referred to Emma in a letter written to Lewis Moon Cooley in 1948, stating "If your father's sister, Emma and Brother John, were still living, they might be able to answer your questions." From the wording, it is assumed that both Emma and John died prior to 1948.This however, has not been confirmed. (Aug. 2, 1999)
On various census reports, an ELMIRA appears, but no EMMA.However, I have concluded that EMMA could be the shortened version of ELMIRA, and that they are the same person.The two census reports that she appears on vary in the birthdate, one being 1869 the other being 1871.
Source reference H4766 :
Individuals : Edwin MOON
Notes for Edwin Moon:
From entry found in Stephentown, N.Y. town hall records:
Marriage record:
June 27, 1906
Edwin Moon 27 years
Resides - Black River Road, Stephentown
Born in Pittstown, N.Y.
Parents: John H. Moon and Almira Seeley
Bride: May Anna Barnes age 18
Born in White Creek, N.Y.
Parents: Nathan Barnes and Eva Kent
Source reference H4767 :
Individuals : Stephen WHEELER
Notes for *Stephen Wheeler:
From Stephentown N.Y. Heritage Center Living Gravestones Collection:
Buried Goodrich Hollow 2nd row on left
"Old Mr. Stephen Wheeler's funeral was 20 March 1831, Elder Jones preached, the old man died in the west part of this town."
Veteran of Revolutionary War
Father of Stephen Van Rensselaer Wheeler
Father of Harvey, Lydia Wheeler Hunt, Zopher
Husband of Roxanna Bishop
b. 14 Sept. 1760 d. 18 March 1831 age 70
On application for pension, 9 April 1818 claiming lost papers, he said "I belonged to Capt. John Johnson's Company, private, Col. Lewis Dubois, Reg. and NY line. Entered Service spring 1777 and his term of service having expired, "I was in the Battle of Fort Montgomery". Ezra Wheeler and Henry Stanton signed the depostition as witnesses.
The epitaph on his tombstone reads:
Farewell my friends both great and dear
I must appear for Jesus' call
My flesh shall moulder in the clay
Until the General Judgement Day!"
It is obvious that Roxanna was Stephen's second wife, and that Stephen Van Rensselaer Wheeler was not her child. Her parentage of him will be changed when his mother's name is discovered.
In a declaration dated April 9, 1818, and signed by Stephen Wheeler, he states that he was a citizen of Canaan, New York, County of Columbia.
In court papers provided to me by Marilyn Armstrong, of Lansboro, Mass.,another Wheeler cousin, Stephen stated the following:
"Stephen Wheeler, aged fifty-nine years, resident in Rensslear County, in the state aforesaid, who being first duly sworn according to law, doth, on his oath declare that he served in the Revolutionary war as follows: In the year 1777, he enlisted, under Capt. John Johnson in Colonel Lewis Dubois Regiment in the New York Line.Then he applied for a pension, the 9th of April, 1818, and rec'd a certificate, no 7099, dated the seventeenth day of March, 1819, signed Sec. of War.
And I solemnly swear that I was a resident citizen of the United States on the 18th day of March, 1818, and that I have not since that time, by gift, sale or in any manner, disposed of my property, or any part thereof, with intent thereby so to diminish it, as to bring myself within the provisions of an act of Congress, entitled "An act to provide for certain persons engaged in the land and anval service of the United State, in the Revolutionary war," passed on the 18th day of March, 1818; and that I have not, nor has any person in trust for me, any property or securities, contracts, or debts, due to me; nor have I any income other that what is contained in the schedule hereto annexed, and by me subscribed, to wit: one heifer worth then dollars, one table worth twenty five cents, one old chest, one old trunk, seven__ chairs, one pot, one kettle, one __, two __, six knives & forks, sixteas and saucers and several other articles of __ note of little or no value, all allowed by appraisers to be worth twenty seven dollars, four cents.My family consists of a wife & one child, three years of age.I have no other way to support my family than by day labor of farming for those that wish to employ me.I am weak and infirm, am very lame and unable to do much and can see no way to subsist save by the bounty of my Country.
Sworn to and declared in open court on the 25th day of September, 1820.
Stephen Wheeler"
The court certified that the totalvalue of Stephen's property was "Thirty seven dollars and twenty nine cents".
In the above declaration, Stephen Wheeler states that he has a wife and one child, age 3.This child would be Stephen Van Rensselaer Wheeler and the wife would be Roxanna Bishop.The question still remains--who is SVRW's mother, as Roxanna and Stephen didn't marry until Feb. 1820
"Declaration for Pension or for Increase of Pension of Children Under Sixteen Years of Age"
Another declaration:
"State of Mass., County of Hampden:
On this 10th day of June A.D. on thousand eight hundred and ninety eight personally appeared before me, notary public of the________ a court of record within and for the County and State aforesaid Lydia Hunt, resident of Westfield, County of Hampden, State of Mass, aged Seventy Six years, respectively, who being duly sworn according to las, make the following declaration in order ot obtain the pension provided by Act of Congress for children under sixteen years of age.That they are the legitimate children of Stephen Wheeler in the war of Revolution at Hancock, Mass on the 18th day of March A.D. 1831 and who bore at the time of his death the rank of private, otherwise that he left a widow surviving who died Feb. 28th, 1846 that the above named are the only surviving legitimate children of Stephen Wheeler who were under sixteen years of age at the time of his death, of whomZopher who died in Soldiers Hospital at Washington D.C. during th war of rebellion ___________ that said children were the issue of soldier, as follows, the dates of their birth being as hereinafter stated:
Lydia, of soldier by Roxanna Wheeler, born June 8, 1822
Zopher, of soldier by Roxanna Wheeler, born June 12, 1820 d. 1865
That the mother was married under the name of Roxanna Bishop to Stephen Wheeler, there being no legal barrier to such marriage; that the said children have not aided or abetted the rebellion; and that no prior application has been filed. Soldier received no pension to date of death.His widow never applied that declarant hereby appoint with full power of substitution and revocation herself of Westfield, Mass, her attorney to prosecute the above claim; that her Post Office address is Box 108, Westfield, Mass.
Lydia Wheeler Hunt"
(August 25, 2000 - On one of the muster cards from his service in the American Revolution, it states that he is on furlough at Nine Partners.Nine Partners was in Dutchess County, NY.I am speculating that given his tender age at the time of his military service (May 1777 to May 1780), Nine Partners could be where his family was and he went to see them.I have begun looking there for ancestral information.Will be sending for his enlistment papers as soon as the proper forms come in the mail from the National Archives, Washington, DC.)
Source reference H4768 :
Individuals : Alonzo WHEELER
Notes for Alonzo Wheeler:
From Stephentown, New York Heritage Center Living Gravestones Collection:
Buried East Nassau, Section 1
1870, E. Nassau, farmer, owned 5 acres
1910 tax, 5 acre farm, 10 acre wood lot
1850 census, age 10, son of Stephen V. R. and Electa Wheeler.
Mormans list him under Abigail Wheeler, page 25, 740.
Siblings: Nelson D. Sarah Wheeler Andrews Palmer, Orlando, Milo
Nephew William Russell Wheeler (son of Nelson D. ) told me (don't know who "me" is) Alonzo "died 1911, drunk as a lord, fell through the ice in the Kinderhook Creek, behind the Baptist Church in East Nassau."
Source reference H4769 :
Individuals : Harriet M. JONES
Notes for Harriet M. Jones:
Buried East Nassau, Section 1
From Stephentown, New York Heritage Center Living Gravestones Collection:
1911 non-res tax, 5 acre house and lot, rd. East Nassau-Garfield, $75.
also 10 acre wood lot, rd. Thomas School-State Rd. $35.
1 & 2 same in 1913, 1912
#2 same in 1916
#1 same 1917, 1918, 1919, 1921
Source reference H4770 :
Individuals : Milo WHEELER
Notes for *Milo Wheeler:
From Stephentown New York Heritage Center Living Gravestones Collection:
Buried East Nassau, Section 2
Civil War Co. F. 63 Reg. NYS Volunteers b. Dec. 3, 1843 d. Nov. 1, 1927 Husband
of Mary E. Houghtling, daughter of Jacob and Rebecca Houghtling.
1916 tax, 1/2 acre, house and lot, bod hywy, Jones, $75 with $75 exemption. 1917, 1918, 1924.
Mr. Conrad next of kin?
Pasture lot, 80 rds, $15.00, e. Creek, w. hgwy taxed #1 & 2 1919 and 1922
East Nassau (Stephentown 2nd district) registered Republican 1926
Source reference N4771 :
Individuals : Peter Paul BRIFFA
common-law since summer 1992
Source reference N10132 :
Individuals : Richard Andrew MCCARRON
Richard and George were twins
Source reference H4772 :
Individuals : Elisha HAYES
Notes for Elisha Hayes:
Elisha is listed as one of Louisa's children in her obituary, was living in Pownal, VT at her death.
Source reference H4773 :
Individuals : Elsie Permillie HAYES
Notes for Elsie Permillie Hayes:
Buried in Garfield Cemetary, Stephentown, New York on June 10, 1946.
Info. according to death certificate.Widowed. Lived in Stephentown for 45 years.
Name appears as Elsie Hunt on her mother's death certificate as the informant.
Source reference H4774 :
Individuals : Caleb CARR
Notes for Caleb (Gov) Carr:
See Sarah Rothchild's diary entry re: his arrival in America.
Also see notes for Robert Carr for info on Gov. Caleb Carr.
Is buried in the family burying ground on Mill Street, beside his first wife. The inscription on his tombstone reads: "Here lieth interred the body of Caleb Carr, governor of this colony, who departed this life ye 17th day of December, 1695, in ye 73rd (79) year of his age."
An interesting fact, found in his will is "Further, I give and bequeath to my said son, Nicholas Carr, his heirs, executors, administrators and assigns, forever, forty acres of land lying on the west side of the highway, over against by brother Robert Carr, his land on the said Conanicut Island, as also ten acres of land on the said island which I purchased of John Peckham, Jr., and also twelve acres of land at the head of the forty acres aforesaid, which twelve acres I purchased or bought of BENEDICT ARNOLD."At another point in the will he says: "I give and bequeath unto my son, John Carr, and to his heirs, executors, administrators and assigns, forever, my dwelling house I now live in above the highway here in Newport (Rhode Island), with all the housings and land and gardens thereunto belonging, (all which land I bought of Mr. BENEDICT ARNOLD in his lifetime), all which I give unto my said son John Carr."
Marriages: 1) Anne Easton, 2) Mercy Vaughn 3) Sarah Clark Pinner
Source reference H4775 :
Individuals : William PRATT
Notes for William Pratt:
info from the Pratt Directory 1995 Revised Edition
Source reference H4776 :
Individuals : Joshua CARR
Notes for Joshua Carr:
Twice married, no children
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