DAMON Samuel_ + DAVIS Mary_
DAMON John__
DAMON Samuel__

DAMON UnKnown_ + BENDER Eva_
DAMON Clarence Henry__
DAMON Carrie E._
DAMON Walter J._
DAMON Helen G._DAMON Alice Luella_

DAMONS Byron_ + BROWN Lucinda_
DAMONS Diantha Lucinda__
DAMONS Samantha L.__
WHITNEY Burtis L._WHITNEY Zora Walker_
WHITNEY J. Clarence_WHITNEY Diantha Samantha__WHITNEY Sarah L._WHITNEY Hattie Florance_

DAMSON Preston Herbert__
DAMSON Myrtie Louisa_DAMSON Mary Louise_

DANA Edward_
DANA Robert__
DANA Richard__

DANA Jacob_ + SABIN Patience_
DANA Jacob__
DANA Hannah_
DANA Zerviah__

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