WORDEN Frank_ + WILSON Jane Eliza_
WORDEN Edgar G._
WORDEN Hattie J__
WORDEN Cora Delight_
WORDEN Nellie Melinda_
WORDEN Arthur E._
WORDEN F. Herbert_
CROSIER Bertha Worden__CROSIER Harold Edgar__

MCMANUS John Joseph_ + WILSON Judith Helen_
MCMANUS April Kathleen_
MCMANUS Daniel Joseph_

WILSON Judith Helen_
MCMANUS April Kathleen_
MCMANUS Daniel Joseph_

GUERRERO Rafael Augusto_ + WILSON Kathleen Alice_
GUERRERO Rafael Augusto_

WARREN John Butterfield_ + WILSON Lavina_
WARREN Almus__
WARREN Matilda_
WARREN James__
WARREN George C.__
WARREN Annis P._
WARREN Mary Lavina__WARREN Emma Marshall__WARREN Nora Elizabeth__WARREN Flora Annis_WARREN Ida Jennie_WARREN George Almus_WARREN Esther Josephine_WARREN Nellie Frances__
WARREN John Byron__

TINNEY Hosea_ + WILSON Lucinda_
TINNEY Benjamin F.__
TINNEY Benjamin_TINNEY Erwin Franklin_

THOMPSON Levi_ + WILSON Margaret_
THOMPSON Velora Dorice__
DAVENPORT Caroline Margaret__DAVENPORT Earnest L._

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