SARVEY Mary E. | | WINTRESS Viola G. | |
| |
WINTRESS David Henry + SARVEY Mary E. | | WINTRESS Viola G. | |
| |
BABCOCK James + SAUNDERS Elizabeth | | BABCOCK James  | |
| | BABCOCK Timothy  |
WILCOX Isreal + SAVAGE Sarah | | WILCOX Samuel  | |
| | WILCOX Rachel  |
PARKER Joseph + SAWTELL Abigail | | | | | | | | | | PARKER Mary  | |
| | PARKER Ephriam  | |
| | LONGLEY Israel  |
| | PARKER Ephriam  |
FOSTER Paul Henry + SAWYER Dorothy Therese | | | | | | | | | | | | FOSTER Michael | |
| | FOSTER Darlene | |
| | FOSTER Paul Albert  | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | FOSTER Brian | FOSTER Bruce |
MORSE Benjamin + SAWYER Ruth | | MORSE Joseph  | |
| | MORSE Abigail  |
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