CROSIER John_ + DUNN Jane_
CROSIER Oliver Dunn__
CROSIER James Mitchell__
CROSIER Frank James__CROSIER Jennie Dunn__
CROSIER James Guy__

MINER Elbridge Gerry_ + DUNNELL Izolla_
MINER Julia D__
ROOT Herman Dwight__

BENSON Lawrence Michael_ + DUNNELL Nancy Jane_
BENSON Garret W._
BENSON Lawrence A._

DORMAN Phillip Irving_ + DUPEE Doris Olive_
DORMAN Violet Phoebe__
DORMAN Luella May__
DORMAN Phillip Arthur__
DORMAN Virginia_
DORMAN Cecil Edward__
DORMAN Doris Cecile__
DORMAN Donald Allen__
DUFRESNE Elizabeth Sue__DUFRESNE Cynthia Lynn__DUFRESNE Kenneth James__DUFRESNE Mark Edward__
MARTIN Donna Lee_MARTIN David Alan__MARTIN Samuel Arthur_MARTIN Donald Anthony__
DORMAN Phillip Thomas__DORMAN Sheila Gaye__DORMAN Phyllis Mae__DORMAN Edward Stephen__
DORMAN Cecil Leon_DORMAN Jeffery Dale__DORMAN Rose Marie Kay__DORMAN Randall Scott_
DAVIS Albert Jonathan__DAVIS Karen Lynn__DAVIS Peter Nathaniel__DAVIS Stephen James__DAVIS Susan Marie__DAVIS Timothy Wayne__
DORMAN Gary_DORMAN Patricia Lynn_DORMAN Jessica Marie__

MARTIN George_
MARTIN John S.__
MARTIN George_

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