John Lackland King of England PLANTAGENET 1166 - 1216
  | Isabella de TAILEFER
 | Raimund Berenger V cCount of PROVENCE
 | Beatrice Countess of SAVOY
 | Louis VIII "The Lion" King of FRANCE
 | Blanca Alphonsa Princess of CASTILE
 | Henri II Duke of BRABANT
 | Maria de SWABIA
 | Payne (Patrick) de CHAWORTH 1183 - 1237
  | Gundred de LA FERTR
  | Thomas dfe LONDRES
 | Eva de TRACY
 | William (Lord of Elmsley) de BEAUCHAMP ? - 1269
  | Isabel MAUDUIT 1227 - 1268
 | Isabel BIGOD 1222 - 1239
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KIng Henry III PLANTAGENET 1206 - 1272
  | Eleanor Countess of PROVENCE 1223
  | Robert I Count of ARTOIS
  | Mahaut (Maud) de BRABANT
  | Patrick de CHAWORTH ? - 1257
  | Hawise de LONDRES
  | William (Earl of Warwick) de BEAUCHAMP 1237 - 1298
  | Maud (Fitzjohn) FITZGEOFFREY
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Edmund "Crouchback" PLANTAGENET 1245 - 1296
  | Blanche d'ARTOIS 1245 - 1302
  | Sir Patrick (Lord Kidwillyin) CHAWORTH 1250 - 1283
  | Isabell de BEAUCHAMP 1266 - 1306
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Henry "Wryneck" de Lancaster PLANTAGENET 1281 - 1345
  | Maud CHAWORTH 1282 - 1316
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Henry PLANTAGENET 1300 - 1361